How to clean the ears of a dog

How to clean the ears of a dog

Like humans, dogs’ ears are prone to dirt. If your dog likes to swim, you should clean their ears more to avoid ear infections caused by these...


Why cats like to sleep on you

Why cats like to sleep on you

Cats spend 15-20 hours sleeping every day, and you can often see them sleeping in closets, windowsills and laundry baskets. Some of these cats...


Is your cat bowl clean?

Is your cat bowl clean?

Not long ago, the Public Health and Safety Organization conducted a survey on the number of bacteria in common household commodities. The survey...


How to discipline a misbehaving cat

How to discipline a misbehaving cat

As a cat owner, you will soon discover that one of the most obvious things is that cats can also behave badly. It is not the accidental misbehavior common to all living things, but the complete misbehavior. At this time, it is necessary to discipline your cat. Note that "discipline" here is not...

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